Below is a list of courses I have taught more than once. For those that I have taught in the last five years, I link below to my various course syllabi. For advanced theory, you will find special links to handouts.
Masters Microeconomics
Class Notes (in progress): Matching Foundations of Markets
Class evaluations: 2019-4.24
- PhD
- Microeconomic Theory II (my first year now, taking over a deceased colleague)
- Microeconomic Theory III
- Class Notes (in progress): “The Economics of Markets”
- Class evaluations: 2019-4.12
- My intro lecture to NTU Matching (pandemic video lecture)
- My intro to partial equilibrium (pandemic video lecture)
- Class Notes (in progress): “The Economics of Markets”
Advanced PhD
Uncertainty Theory
Game Theory
[Class evaluations: 2015-4.75]
- Discontinued Classes
- Stochastic Dynamic Optimization in Economics [until 2005 @ Michigan]